Lisciani Petrini Enrica

Professoressa Ordinaria in quiescenza di Filosofia Teoretica, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane. Filosofiche e della Formazione, Università di Salerno.

Former Full Professor in Theoretical Philosophy, Department of Human and Philosophical Sciences and Formation, University of Salerno.


Presso l’Università di Salerno, lavora attualmente al Laboratory of Italian Thought. Philosophical theory and didactics between innovation and interpretation of the cultural heritage, che ha fondato la rete internazionale di ricerca ITALIAN THOUGHT NETWORK.

Oltre a Filosofia teoretica, ha insegnato Estetica musicale presso l’Università degli Studi di Salerno. I suoi lavori ruotano attorno al pensiero filosofico otto-novecentesco, con una particolare attenzione alle riflessioni di autori come Heidegger, Bergson, Jankélévitch, Merleau-Ponty e agli intrecci con le esperienze artistiche che sono sullo sfondo di esse.

She is currently working on the Laboratory of Italian Thought. Philosophical Theory and Didactics between Innovation and Interpretation of the Cultural Heritage at the University of Salerno, which she founded, and she is leading the international research network ITALIAN THOUGHT NETWORK. In addition to theoretical philosophy, she has taught Musical Aesthetics at the University of Salerno. Her research focuses on 19th- and 20th-century philosophical thought, with particular attention to the reflections of authors such as Heidegger, Bergson, Jankélévitch, and Merleau-Ponty, and explores their intersections with the artistic experiences that underpin these thoughts.