«Twelve Miles from Town»: Tradition and Progress in Richard Jefferies’s «Nature near London» (1883)

Autore: Granata Silvia


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This paper discusses Richard Jefferies’s Nature near London (1883), a collection of essays describing the author’s long walks around his home in Surbiton. Although each essay is devoted to a different topic, they all centre on the encounter – at times tense, at times surprising – between the city and the country. For Jefferies, this did neither entail a simple opposition between nature and culture, nor a nostalgic regret for times gone by; he explored the tensions between human progress and the environment in a moment of dramatic change, striving to envision how such change should be managed toward what he saw as true progress. Thus, categories such as urban and rural, local and global, tradition and progress, were never used to create simplistic oppositions: they were rather mobilised to make sense of a complex context including both human and non-human agents through time. With its emphasis on interconnectedness, Jefferies’s work forcibly asserted that nature should not be seen as separated from the human world, its values and history; for him, nature was truly a system, of which humans are part.

Keywords: Richard Jefferies; Nature near London; nature essay; environment; progress

L’articolo discute Nature near London (1883) di Richard Jefferies, una raccolta di saggi che descrive le lunghe escursioni dell’autore nei pressi di Surbiton. Anche se ogni saggio è dedicato a un argomento diverso, tutti trattano dell’incontro tra città e campagna. Questo non implica, nell’opera di Jefferies, una opposizione binaria tra natura e cultura, né una nostalgia acritica per il passato; l’autore infatti esplora le tensioni tra ambiente e progresso in un momento di grandi cambiamenti: le categorie di urbano e rurale, locale e globale, tradizione e progresso non vengono usate per stabilire facili opposizioni, ma per indagare un contesto complesso e in continua evoluzione. Il testo di Jefferies sottolinea che la natura non dovrebbe essere considerata come separata dall’umanità, dai suoi valori e dalla sua storia: per l’autore, la natura è davvero un sistema, di cui gli esseri umani fanno parte.

Parole chiave: Richard Jefferies; Nature near London; nature essay; ambiente; progresso.



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170 mm x 240 mm



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